The lack of adequate funding for the health care sector across many countries on the continent has been exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Open Doors African Private Healthcare Initiative will help address the economic crunch that the private health sector in Africa is facing due to COVID-19.
A new emergency loan guarantee facility makes more than USD$30 million available to private, small- and medium enterprise (SME) health providers in five high malaria burden African countries. The loans will support healthcare providers in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda to continue offering essential health services, including malaria treatments, to more than five million Africans. The facility was created by the Health Finance Coalition, a group of leading philanthropies, investors, donors and technical partners including Medical Credit Fund, focused on mobilizing significant private investment to achieve transformative healthcare impact in Africa.
Today, Kennedy Okongo, Director Medical Credit Fund East Africa, explained live on CNBC Africa on why the private health sector needs our support to keep communities healthy — especially in times of a pandemic.
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